If you have any questions or would like more information, our advisors will be happy to help.
Scheduling & Fees
My Work Schedule
I work from Monday through Thursday. Appointments begin at 9am and the latest appointment is at 6:30pm. I do not work on the weekends.
Standard Fees
Evaluation, initial consultation, and psychotherapy sessions typically are 45 minutes in length but sometimes additional time may be recommended and billed accordingly. The fee structure is $190-$200 for 45 minutes. Payment may be made by check, cash or credit card. Payment is required in advance to schedule your first therapy session.
If you have a PPO Healing Path Counseling receipts can be turned into your insurance company for reimbursement. Check with your insurance provider for specific details of your plan.
Scheduling and Cancellations
I manage my own schedule and scheduling to be more efficient and more responsive to my clients’ needs. Please contact me via text if you need to change or cancel an appointment. If you don’t hear back from me that day, please text or call again as there can be missed communication.
My clients rarely change appointments without notice and I try to provide the same should I make a change. I have a 48-hour cancellation policy. If you fail to provide this notice, you will be expected to pay for the missed session.
Forms to Download
I am looking forward to meeting with you very soon!
Start your Healing Path today call 609-230-6280.

Call Today 609.230.6280
Karen Ognibene, MA, LPC
Healing Path Counseling
Carter Building
44 Cooper St. Suite 204
Woodbury, NJ 08096
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